Considering a Blog Merge | Link-Up

Hello! I’m afraid I didn’t plan any outfit posts for today. It’s so difficult to do them when the building site next door is streaming with builders lol. This week, there’s been a hive of activity with all sorts of stuff going on, which is really exciting but not so good for me trying to sort out some photos. So I figured I would talk about something else that’s been on my mind…the fact that I’m considering a blog merge…

I don’t know if you’re aware but I have two blogs: this one which I created in January 2021, and my original Suzy Turner blog which was launched in 2015 (I’d had others prior to these, but these were the ones I actually paid for!). The ST blog was originally all about my writing and the books I’ve published over the years, but a few months into, when I turned 40, I decided I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and start blogging about style so I would post both bookish content and fashion content (among other things). In 2021, I decided the style aspect of it needed it’s own blog so that’s why I launched The Grey Brunette. It’s now 2024 and I’m considering merging the two again (!). The primary reason for this is cost. Who knew that blogging could be so expensive, right? I’ve never actually sat down to work out how much I spend on web hosting, etc, etc and I don’t think I want to because I know it will shock me!

I remember at the time that Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb said I was brave to launch another blog. Perhaps I should have listened. I’m not saying I regret The Grey Brunette. Not at all. I love this blog and I still love style blogging and photography. It’s simply taken a back seat because of the house build. Once we’re in the new house, I’ll have lots of fabulous places to do photoshoots and I can’t wait for that! It’s going to be such fun again!

I’m sure you know I’ve been putting all my effort into my YouTube channel lately, and I decided to do that more with my Suzy Turner channel, rather than my Grey Brunette channel. Simply because I thought it was better to have my real name attached to it. The channel is going from strength to strength and I am absolutely delighted with it, and I’m just LOVING making video content. I’m almost at 900 subscribers at the moment which isn’t anything special for a lot of people, but I’m just so grateful.

Anyway, back to The Grey Brunette. What I’ve been thinking of doing is to merge the two blogs together, meaning that all the content since 2021, will be merged into my Suzy Turner blog. Apparently it’s quite easy to do (yeah right!) but the thought of if going wrong scares the life out of me! What I’ve read online is that it’s easy to export the blog and upload it to the other one, but photos are a little more complicated to copy over and obviously most of my content is about the photos! So I’m a little apprehensive at the moment. I would keep The Grey Brunette domain name and have everything forwarded (pointing) to Obviously, I will have The Grey Brunette in the title somewhere alongside Suzy Turner. Gosh I am rambling aren’t I? I guess it’s a good way to get my head round it all lol!

I think I should do it to save a few bob, and even though I haven’t shared anything on my Suzy Turner blog for a couple of months, that blog still gets more views than this one, so it kind of makes sense (to me anyway!). What are your thoughts? Do you think I should go for it? I’d love your advice!

But for now though, let’s get on with the link-up. But just before that, let’s touch upon the link-up itself. I started doing it in February of 2021, a month after launching The Grey Brunette and it’s never really taken off, but I’ll continue with it until I make a final decision about the blogs merging! See you soon!

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7 comments so far.

7 responses to “Considering a Blog Merge | Link-Up”

  1. mireille says:

    Yup, blogging is not exactly cheap! When I paid my hosting for 3 years in advance, I did not like the price tag but I really do enjoy it so… I could have more expensive hobbies.

  2. Gail Is This Mutton says:

    I think it’s a great idea! I started adding other topics – books and gardening- to mine with a bit of trepidation because I read that Google doesn’t like it when you step outside your content niche. But my site has grown in traffic a lot in the last year, so it must be old tosh xx

  3. csuhpat1 says:

    Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  4. thestylesplash says:

    Running one blog is time-consuming never mind two! I suppose it would simplify things as well as reducing the cost. I migrated my blog from Typepad years ago and while the text was fine, I had to manually replace all the photos! It took me ages! It was worth it though. I don’t think there are as many link ups now, maybe because interest in them is declining. I’ll carry on with mine for the foreseeable!

    Emma xxx

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