My latest YouTube video: 10 facts about me…

Late last week I uploaded a YouTube video entitled 10 Facts About Me. It’s a fun video where I explain ten interesting facts about me (you don’t say!?! lol). So far, it’s had ten views. Ten views! Pitiful, right? So, I’m asking if you have five minutes, to check it out…hopefully, it might give you a bit of a giggle…

Do you have a YouTube channel? Do let me know in the comments section, because I’d love to check yours out too! Let me know what you vlog about—I’m super curious! Or you could say I’m just super nosey. It’s because I started my career off as a trainee journalist, and that intrigue never really left me!

Did you know you need to have at least 100 YouTube subscribers before you can give your channel a unique name? So, if you’re interested in my content, please subscribe to my channel too! I only need another 88 subscribers LOL!!!!

To pique your curiosity, here are a few images that appear in my video, ’10 facts about me’…

10 facts about me
10 facts about me

If you’re looking for more video content, check out my review of Mylee’s Mygel Magic Remover and my How-to remove gel nails video! You can also find some (I’ll be uploading more soon) yoga videos on my YouTube channel too.

11 comments so far.

11 responses to “My latest YouTube video: 10 facts about me…”

  1. Nancy says:

    It was lovely to watch your video!

  2. That was fun. I commented on I said that we could so be friends if we lived in the same country. You did a good job with the video. I do have a YouTube channel called…(surprise…) No Fear of Fashion, which I really only use to edit videos I want to insert in a blog post. Feel free to have a look.
    And I am a subscriber of your channel.

    • Suzy says:

      You’re such a star, Greetje! Thank you so much. I made another video this afternoon but the lighting is terrible…but I live and learn lol
      Suzy xx

  3. Lovely says:

    It was pleasure learning these things about you! I enjoyed the video!

  4. Hi Suzy, enjoyed your YouTube video 🙂 I get so nervous when filming myself!

  5. Jacqui Berry says:

    So nice to hear you Suzy, what interesting facts. I too have my bell-button pierced, but no tattoos, only my eyebrows. x Will look for the yoga on Youtube and also subscribe too. xx Jacqui x

  6. What a fun video! I enjoyed learning these 10 facts about you although I knew a few of them already! But that’s okay because it was fun to watch and listen to your voice!


  7. juliet brown says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed your video, I gave up the hair dye too – all power to those who embrace it but I am basically too lazy to faff about anymore, my hair happened to have turned white underneath and of course I have no idea when, but I suspect early thirties going by photos I unearthed… Anyway, I subscribed to your channel 🙂

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