My fabulous new cloffice and how I use it

I’m finally ready to reveal my fabulous new cloffice—my closet and office combined into one (in case you hadn’t figured it out by now). I know, the word closet is very American, but it just doesn’t work if you use the word wardrobe, does it?!

I’m absolutely delighted with the result. It’s super girlie, all in pale pink, grey, white and a bit of silver and gold. It’s one of those places that I can just relax in and be myself. I spend so much time in here, it’s probably a bit ridiculous really lol. But do I care? Nah, of course not. It’s my new favourite room in the house. I can quite easily spend all day in there lol. I hope you’ll watch my little video about it (above).

My daily routine comprises me coming downstairs first thing in the morning wearing whatever lounge wear I wore the evening before, feed the girls (Shannon, Myrtle, Sadie and Luna—cats and dog), have a tall glass of water then head into my cloffice for (at least) twenty minutes of yoga and ten minutes meditation. After that, I spend as long as I like to get dressed and do my make-up—I imagine myself as something of a 1920s Hollywood starlet lounging around my boudoir at this stage lol.

Then it’s time to walk Luna before heading back for my much needed morning coffee and breakfast. And then I head right back into my boudoir—oops, I mean my cloffice and either work on a blog post, my latest book or I prepare my next YouTube video. If I’m doing an outfit post, I’ll grab my camera and remote control and go outdoors for a little photoshoot!

I’ll literally spend the rest of the day in my beautiful cloffice, taking a break to make Michael some lunch if he’s working nearby. And then, before I know it, it’s almost 4.45pm and I realise I need to plan dinner! Speaking of which, it’s almost that time now, so I’d better finish what I’m writing and figure it out. I really have no idea what to cook tonight!

I hope you like my new cloffice as much as I do! Don’t forget to check out my video, and please give it a like and subscribe to my channel! Thank you so much, lovelies! xx

See the list on the sidebar to the right for where I link up!

7 comments so far.

7 responses to “My fabulous new cloffice and how I use it”

  1. Claire says:

    Looks great. I love my little space but got mine spread all over the house, in all rooms in corners as we don’t have a spare room 🙂

  2. OMG, I am loving your cloffice, Suzy! It is such a good word, isn’t it? Very American! That made me laugh. Now I wish my cloffice was a bit larger so that I could have a door that closes! I love the pink and gray, but I am surprised that you didn’t go for green like all of your other walls!


    • Suzy says:

      LOL I think cloffice was the right word in the end, Shelbee! So much of the rest of the house is green, I decided I wanted something different for a change!!
      Thank you so much, lovely!
      Suzy xx

  3. mireille says:

    It looks lovely and oh, I like that it opens up to the garden. Great choices of color! A perfect spot to work and enjoy yourself!

    • Suzy says:

      Thanks so much, Mireille! My cloffice opens up to the back garden which is a real mess at the moment, but my husband is starting to work on it. I’ve never been much of a gardener myself. I just tell him what I want and he does it….well, sometimes LOL!!
      Suzy xx

  4. Daenel Vaughn-Tucker says:

    Such a lovely space. The color scheme is girly but also kind of vintage glam. I get the boudoir vibe. LOL Enjoy it, Doll!

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