My daily beauty and make-up routine

Good morning! I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend. I’ve been busy trying to upload a video about my daily beauty and make-up routine to YouTube that I recorded late last week, using my new iPhone. I made the mistake of changing the quality to a higher quality video, which made it HUGE and then, of course, I had all sorts of problems trying to get it onto my Mac from the phone. And then, when I did get it on my Mac, I didn’t have enough space to do anything with it lol. What a palaver!

So, I eventually managed to reduce the file size (after deleting god only knows what from my laptop) and get it on to iMovie…but it didn’t end there. I did all the editing and then clicked on ‘Export File’. It seemed to work ok, but once I added it to YouTube, it seemed to upload rather quickly for such a big file. Well…that’s because it had only uploaded 30 seconds, not 30 minutes!!

Eventually, I managed to get it sorted and it’s now live on YouTube (thankfully), after it took almost all night to upload lol. It’s about 35 minutes long and I really, really (really!) hope that others will enjoy watching my daily beauty and make-up routine. It’s the real me putting on my face in the morning. So, it’s not a pretty sight to start with, but I just wanted to share my routine with other women my age who might find it interesting. You can watch it below, if you don’t want to go over to YouTube.

I would be incredibly grateful if you would watch it, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you’re not already a follower! Thank you so much. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate you.

2 comments so far.

2 responses to “My daily beauty and make-up routine”

  1. Hilda Smith says:

    Gosh I would not have a clue how to do any of that video stuff will have a look at your routine. x

  2. overthehilda says:

    Love that blue mascara and I have phi brows. Best money eer spent.

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