BOOK REVIEW Patches Through Time by Sian Turner

An unbelievably believable time travel escapade.
Casual antique dealer Jake Patch picks up an unusual object and can’t put it down. Literally. His find is a time travel device, and he hatches a bold plan to acquire objects from the past and sell them at modern day prices. But when the mysterious Infinity Glass leaves Patch stranded in a dangerous past, it falls to his teen daughter Cass to save him.
With hints of The Time Traveller’s Wife and Back to the Future and a smattering of LovejoyPatches through Time will send you spinning headlong into the past, then spit you back into the twenty-first century.
This book contains occasional profanities. Trigger warning: bereavement (parent, spouse).

My Review

I don’t have the best history with time travel books so I know it was ‘risky’ me agreeing to review Patches Through Time. For example, I’m one of the few people who really could not get into Time Traveller’s Wife. In fact, I really disliked it. This book, however, did show some promise, although I must admit to not getting into it until I’d read about a third of it. A possible reason was because I had quite an intense dislike to Jake Patch, one of the main characters. I just couldn’t stand the way he talked to others, and that really irked me! He was so rude!

However, once the story focussed more on his daughter, Cass, things changed quite a bit. It was much easier to read from then on, and I began to enjoy the story a bit more. The conclusion was very satisfying, and it ended up with potential for more intriguing stories to come.

After reading the author’s notes, she did mention that there could well be a prequel about Lucia, another character from the book. I think her story would be particularly appealing.

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Author Bio 

Sian Turner was born in Wales, but lives in East Sussex. She has recently started learning Welsh (and can categorically testify that Welsh is difficult). 
She works as a part-time volunteer in her local RSPCA cat re-homing centre, from where she keeps adopting new family members (only one or two at a time).
Sian enjoys reading and reviewing some of the many truly amazing novels by Independent Authors, and she is secretary of her local writers’ group, Shorelink Writers.

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