Tell Us About…Laughter | Neverending Style link-up

I recently joined a fabulous group of women for a global writing challenge—Gail from Is This Mutton (UK) Deb from Deb’sWorld (Australia), Mary Katherine from MK’s Adventures in Style (USA),  Penny from Frugal Fashion Shopper (UK), Australian blogger Sue Loncaric from Women Living Well After 50, Leslie Clingan from Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After and Marsha from Marsha In The Middle. On the third Thursday of every month we’ll respond to the prompt “Tell Us About XXX” which could cover any subject matter. It could be a blog post with opinions or memories; a poem,  photos, anything at all. Last month, the challenge was Home Towns and was prompted by Marsha. This month, Gail chose the fabulous prompt of…Laughter.

One surefire way I get my daily dose of giggles is by tuning into TV shows that never fail to crack me up. Take “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” for example (pictured below). It’s a hilarious series set in the 1950s about a housewife turned stand-up comedian. The wit and humour are so sharp that each episode feels like a comedy masterclass. I especially love the character of ‘Suzy’, she’s freaking hilarious!

Then there’s “Monk,” a detective with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and his crime-solving escapades. The humour here is a blend of Monk’s quirks and the absurdity of the cases–pure genius.

Now, let’s talk about one of the heroes of laughter–my hubby, Michael. His sense of humour is next level, and it’s anything but dad jokes. Think dry, quite often dirty, but always spot-on humour. Even on the gloomiest days, he manages to pull out these ridiculous one-liners that leave me in stitches. It’s one of the many things I adore about him–the constant laughter infusion into our lives. My brother has a similar sense of humour to Michael and when the two of them get together, it’s just on another level!


But hold on, the laughter party certainly doesn’t stop there. Enter my partners in crime, Sarah and Laura. These gals are the architects of belly laughs. We can turn the simplest things into a comedy show, and I swear, I’ve had stomachaches from laughing so hard. That’s the kind of friendship gold you can’t put a price on.

Let’s not forget our furry jesters–Myrtle, Shannon, Sadie, and Luna. While acrobatics might be a bit much for their well-fed figures (!), their unique personalities are comedy gold. From Sadie’s nonchalant attitude and Shannon’s love for naps, to Myrtle’s extraordinary ability to contort into strange positions for a good clean, each cat brings their own brand of humour. Life with them is like living in a perpetual sitcom, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

And then of course, there’s the rabbit hole of joy–cat, dog and all other animal videos on TikTok and Instagram. I can lose myself for hours, scrolling through the hilarious escapades of these furballs. It’s like an instant mood booster, and who doesn’t need that?

So, let’s celebrate the power of laughter. Whether it’s through TV, the hilarious charm of loved ones, or the fur-filled comedy of pets, embrace those moments of joy. After all, as the saying goes, laughter is the spice of life!

Debbie shares personal stories of laughter and the importance of being able to laugh at yourself. Plus the power of a smile. Link:

Gail from Is This Mutton wonders why so little on TV is funny these days, and why we seldom see older women making us laugh. Link:

Penny began writing a review of fun television that made her laugh and then wandered through several definitions of laughter concluding that laughter was a very healthy thing to do.

Sue from Women Living Well After 50 looks at he importance of laughter & feeling connected for a healthy lifestyle after 50.


Ok…so I was planning on doing a separate post for the link-up but a last minute trip to Lisbon means I don’t have time, so I’m adding the link-up to this post instead! I hope you’ll link up all your posts from the past week or so! See you soon!

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7 comments so far.

7 responses to “Tell Us About…Laughter | Neverending Style link-up”

  1. Nancy says:

    Gerben had a fabulous sense of humour too. He makes me laugh all the time. That’s so important right!

  2. Gail Is This Mutton says:

    Fun pictures, particularly you and Michael! Yes, videos of cats and dogs can be hilarious!

  3. Penny says:

    I’d forgotten about Mrs Maisel – that was a great series not the least for those psychedelic colours and her fabulous clothes. It was funny too which was good as usually I don’t like those stagey American comedies that have audiences. I just don’t get them as I much prefer it when comedies are filmed and there is a little realism to them.

    Your one-liner hubby sounds great fun. I do love the British sense of humour which is dry and often acerbic. There are a lot of good comedies on British television – anything acted in or written by Daisy May Cooper is usually outrageous and very funny.

    Love your many pets. It is good to laugh 🙂

  4. Debbie says:

    Hi Suzy, this was a great post for laughter. Some of your suggestions for funny shows I know, others not. Those cat/dog tiktoks are hilarious 🙂 You’re right laughter is the spice of life. PS. Hoping this comment works!

  5. I failed to mention my pets, past and present, in my post. But I have laughed til I’ve cried at my new kitty today. He is fascinated with my slippers and has dragged them, individually, all over our house. Including taking a leap onto our bed at 3:00 am this morning with one of the slippers in his mouth. Thank goodness neither PC nor I had a heart attack.

    • Suzy says:

      I can just imagine you laughing, Leslie!! I laugh at my pets so much lol!! They really are wonderful creatures!
      Hugs xx

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