Oversized shirt and matching lippy! | Link-up

I’ve been so busy this week, I’ve not had much time to dedicate to the blog. I did, however, manage to get a few photos of the outfit I wore to have lunch with some new friends last weekend. The outfit I chose to wear was an oversized shirt I bought in Stradivarius in the January sales for an absolute steal! It’s cute, isn’t it? I just wish I’d bought it in a few different colours because I reckon it’s going to get a lot of wear this year. The fact that it is partly linen means it’ll be a great oversized shirt to wear during the warmer months too. I might even wear it over a swimsuit!

This particular day actually turned out to be quite overcast and a little chilly, so it was lucky I took one of my scarves to wear too. I also had a big, chunky cardigan in the car which I ended up wearing, because we ate lunch outdoors. But for the most part of the day, I just wore my wide-fit jeans from H&M, a long sleeved black and white tee (also from H&M), my platform sneakers (Puma), and a white handbag from Parfois. My favourite red earrings and a pop of matching lippy finished off the look. It’s amazing what a dash of bright lipstick can do, right?

As for the rest of the week, I’ve been busy working on various projects, as well as keeping a beady eye on the build across the street. Not that much has happened, to be honest. But, all that’s changing today (Friday) because, apparently, the boundary wall structure is going up! YAY! I never thought I would get so excited at the sight of a cement truck lol! Hopefully, I’ll have more to report next week, because once the boundary wall is sorted out, then the structure for the main house will be started. Stay tuned if you’re interested!

Now though, let’s get on with the Neverending Style Link-Up. Before that, though, I just wanted to thank you all for leaving so many wonderful comments on my previous posts. I read every single one and I always hope I’ll have time to respond but lately that’s just not been possible. The same with visiting my friends’ blogs. Fingers crossed I’ll find some time over the weekend to have a good read!

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16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Oversized shirt and matching lippy! | Link-up”

  1. Michelle says:

    Red, blue, and white is always a winning combination! Love this outfit. And yes, having a house built is exciting – even the parts that seem slow going (my parents did that once). Can’t wait for the pics!

    • Suzy says:

      Thanks Michelle! It’s super exciting! Some of the concrete was poured yesterday and the poor builders were still here at 7pm! Luckily they didn’t have to come today. I just hope their boss gave them a few hours off this morning!
      Big hugs
      Suzy xx

  2. mireilleftm says:

    I love that bright red and I am going to take a look at your platform white Pumas. I have been admiring them each time you wear them.

    • Suzy says:

      Thanks Mireille! I love them too, and I’d really like a pair (or two) in another colour as well lol!!
      Hugs xx

  3. Suzy, this shirt is so fabulous! I love the vibrant red on you and it looks amazing with your bright red lippy, too! Super cute outfit, my friend. Good luck with the build! I hope it all goes smoothly and quickly.


    • Suzy says:

      Thanks Shelbee! I reckon the build will be a two year project but fingers crossed I’m wrong and it’s only one LOL!
      But it’s exciting stuff. I’m enjoying living right next door so I can see the entire process 🙂
      Big hugs xx

  4. The red lipstick and earrings finished this outfit off to perfection!

  5. Gail Is This Mutton says:

    This is a stunning look Suzy! You really suit red. Have a great weekend xx

  6. You look amazing in red and I love this casual chic outfit!


  7. I am sorry that I am very late to the party. I don’t receive your emails, which is so annoying! I will see what I can do about that.

    • Suzy says:

      there must be something wrong with the email subscription…you’ve mentioned it a few times before and I thought we’d fixed it. Bummer. I will have another look!
      Big hugs
      Suzy xx

  8. Tyler james says:

    You look amazing in red and I love this casual chic outfit!

  9. thestylesplash says:

    Such a fabulous outfit Suzy! I love how the bright red really stands out. Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

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