Pink Hair Dye Take Two | Link-Up

I’m running a bit late with the link-up this week. I lost all track of time (again!). I blame the fact that we’ve had two bank holidays lately—last Friday and today, and because Michael isn’t working, it kind of makes me late with everything lol. Anyway, I’ve been working on a short video about pink hair dye and literally just hit publish on YouTube so I figured I would quickly share it with you.

If you follow me on YouTube, you might have seen the video I shared a few weeks ago where I attempted to use pink hair dye on my growing out locks. Unfortunately, it wasn’t quite as successful as I would have liked, and I ended up with a pink scalp more than pink hair lol! So, I tried again and did a little video to show you what happened…

There’s a lot going on over the next few weeks so there is a chance I might miss a link-up or two, but I will certainly try my best to avoid that! What have you been up to? Lots of Christmas shopping? Baking? I did loads of shopping over Black Friday and Cyber Monday, purchasing the majority of our Christmas presents for friends and family (and myself lol!). But perhaps that should be the subject of my next post!

Please join the link up, and check out my video (please give it a like and subscribe to the channel!) and hopefully I’ll see you soon!

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5 comments so far.

5 responses to “Pink Hair Dye Take Two | Link-Up”

  1. Nancy says:

    Thanks for hosting. I can’t see a lot of pink, but if you are happy I’m happy🤣

  2. thestylesplash says:

    I love the pink, it really suits you! I use a conditioner with red pigment in between dyes, it makes a big difference, although I get it everywhere! I manage to splash it all over the bathroom and I can’t sleep on white pillowcases!

    Emma xxx

  3. marsha57 says:

    Oh, you look good in pink, Suzy! I think the blue/teal would be pretty fabulous, too! My daughter has one of those Dyson hairdryers. We have an air cleaner and vacuum. Since I received the Zuvi dryer, I doubt I will buy a Dyson. But, gosh your hair looks fab! I keep telling myself, after being disappointed by how flat my hair is when I blow it dry, that my hair stylist can’t get it big, either! I just have such flat, fine hair!

    Thanks, my fabulous friend, for the link up!

  4. Anna says:

    I like the idea of pink hair, I am just too scared to do such a radical thing.

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