A retro OOTD and the Neverending Style link-up

retro OOTD

Just a short one today to show you my retro OOTD, as I’m away visiting my MIL who has been in hospital following a particularly bad fall. She’s in a temporary nursing home for the time being, until she can walk again. We’re hoping she’ll get through it all, but she is struggling with the physiotherapy. Fingers crossed she’ll be okay. She was thrilled to see us though, and it was wonderful to see her after so long (over a year).

Whilst travelling, I brought my camera with us to practise my photography, but this morning I realised I brought the wrong battery charger (DOH!). Luckily, I had already taken some outfit photos, so today I’m showing you a simple retro OOTD (outfit of the day) from a couple of weeks ago.

I love this kind of look—flared high waist jeans, 70s style trainers and a 70s style cardigan. I assume you’d call this a cardigan. It’s with a zip, as opposed to buttons? Not sure. I’ve added my multi-coloured handbag that MIL bought me last year. I love that it can be worn with so many different outfits because of all the colours. I also love that it can be worn across the body too.

The photos are a bit dark because it was pouring with rain, but I just went with it. Plus, I wanted to show you that the weather isn’t always lovely at home in Portugal lol! But that’s all I’ve got time for today–my simple retro OOTD (in green, of course!) and the link-up. Speaking of time, I know I said I would share my Shades of Green posts every Wednesday but I ran out of time to do it this week. I doubt I’ll have time to do it next week either lol. But I’ll get back to it once I’m home. But in the meantime, I hope you’ll add all your fab posts, below!

retro OOTD

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12 comments so far.

12 responses to “A retro OOTD and the Neverending Style link-up”

  1. Laurie says:

    Love the jeans! I’ve just got some super dark denim bootcut. Have a lovely time with your family and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday! xx

  2. Nancy says:

    Still in the UK? We’re going in two weeks!! Those flatted jeans look very good on you! You’ve got the right legs for it. Hope your mil recovers soon.

  3. that colourful bag so so cute and I like the retro vibe of this outfit – green looks so good on you!

    Hope your mother in law recovers quickly from her fall, sounds scary!

    Thanks for the link up!

    Hope that your week is going well 🙂

  4. mireille says:

    I love your multi colored bag! I often forget to add on when taking pictures but I have really downsized my collection the last couple of years. Hope your mother in law continues to improve. And I think your top would be call a pullover in the US.

  5. Suzy, I adore this retro look in green! What a wonderful color that sweater is! Sending lots of positive healing energy out for your mother in law, my friend.


  6. Michelle says:

    I’m hoping for the best with your MIL. She has great tastes in purses. Awesome! Perfect for your outfit.


  7. Marsha Banks says:

    Now, those jeans…those jeans…those are what I’ve been looking for since I wore them in the 70s!!! Why can’t I find them now??? I simply love everything about your look, Suzy! And, yes, I would consider that a cardigan…if it’s a sweater (do you call them jumpers) and it’s open in the front, it’s a cardigan in my world!

    I do hope your MIL makes improvements. How difficult to not be able to see her for a year. I’m sure having you and your husband there has given her some much needed joy.

    Thanks for the link up!


  8. Diggin” the Retro vibe here Suzy! We have had alot of rain too! Just when we are ready to sand and stain our deck, the rain is endless! Love the pine green color and that bag is fabulous. I have a few pairs of flares I need to get out- I just enjoy wearing different styles-whatever my mood dictates. I hope your MIL gets better soon! My FIL went through PT recently and it is tough.
    have a great week!
    jess xx

  9. Hi Suzy!
    Don’t know if the comment went though, so I am sending again. All it has done is rain here lately, and just when we were ready to stain and sand our deck! I am sorry to hear about your MIL, hope she is improving My FIL went through PT recently and it was tough- he’s 93. Love the pine green on you and dig the 70s vibe with your bag and flares.
    Enjoy your week!
    jess xx

  10. Ashley says:

    This crossbody purse is stealing the show! I just love it! What a vibe!

    I’m celebrating (super early) spring in my new post in a bright car coat. I’ll just wear all the bright colors until the weather warms up all the way!


  11. The bag takes the cake for me in this outfit.

  12. Hmmm… my comment didn’t get through either and the website went funny.
    Again, I think the bag takes the cake with this outfit. But on second look, that cardigan is really cute too.

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