Songful Style: Humankind by Coldplay | Link-Up

Welcome to the January edition of Songful Style! Hosted by myself, Shelbee (Shelbee on the Edge) and Marsha (Marsha in the Middle), Songful Style is a collaboration featuring outfits inspired by songs. We’re also inviting anyone who would like to join us to post their own outfits in the link-up below. It doesn’t matter from what angle the song inspires the outfit—it can be from the lyrics, the title, the tune itself, the album cover, or even the music video. Last month we took a little break for the festive season but the month prior, our song was chosen by Marsha and was “Flowers Are Red” by Harry Chapin. This month, we’re delighted to be back and our Songful Style song was chosen by me, and is Humankind by Coldplay (scroll right down to the bottom to read the lyrics).

You can blame Michael for my obsession with Coldplay’s music! I never used to be that fussed about it, even though he played their songs all the time (and I mean ALL the time), until I watched the documentary about them. I think it was on Amazon Prime. It just blew me away how awesome this small group of guys truly are. They are so humble, despite the enormous success they have achieved. Then, a year or two after watching it, we had the amazing opportunity to go and see them live in Zurich during their Music of the Spheres world tour. That was last year (you might recall me mentioning it in a blog post) and, hand on heart, it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. I know, it sounds crazy, but it really touched me. And not just me, literally everyone around me was in tears. It was incredible. It was also my very first ever concert! I’ve got the bug now, by the way, and we’re going to see Taylor Swift this summer!


In 2021, Coldplay released “Higher Power” alongside a video livestream from the International Space Station. Collaborating with Max Martin, they announced the album “Music of the Spheres” and unveiled “Coloratura.” Joining forces with BTS, they launched “My Universe,” dominating charts globally. The album became the UK’s fastest-seller since Ed Sheeran’s 2019 release. Their Music of the Spheres World Tour prioritized sustainability, utilizing “kinetic flooring” and bicycles for renewable energy.

So when it was my turn to choose the song for this month’s Songful Style post, I decided to choose one of Coldplay’s and because I especially love the words within the song, Humankind… “We’re only human. But we’re capable of kindness. So they call us humankind”, I chose that one. The video for this particular song was recorded in Mexico City during the band’s world tour, which is another reason I wore the t-shirt…


As for my outfit, I guess you could say I cheated a little bit by wearing the t-shirt I bought at the concert lol. Chris Martin always wears really brightly coloured trainers so I knew I wanted to add some colour to the outfit, which is why I wore the t-shirt. The entire concert (as well as this particular song) is all about aliens, planets and humans so I thought it might be apt to add some silver to the look! I mean, think of UFOs, aliens and Mars, etc and you’re going to think of silver, right? Or is just me? Actually it’s not just me, because Michael suggested I wear silver too lol!

So I pulled out the fabulous silver bomber jacket that I recently bought in the Zara sale (and haven’t worn yet), and added a pair of super sparkly, silver sequinned boots (also from Zara in the sale last year), grabbed a sparkly handbag (a gift from Michael the year before), my star necklace (inherited) and headed right next door to the construction site! Had the builders been there, I obviously wouldn’t have taken my photos there lol. But it seemed a good a spot as any to strut my stuff lol.


So that’s it, my interpretation of the gorgeous song, Humankind. What do you think? Are Coldplay your cup of tea? How would you style this song? Please link up your posts below! And don’t forget to check out Shelbee on the Edge and Marsha in the Middle! Oh and I almost forgot…if you’d like to join us next month, the song has been chosen by Shelbee and is the awesome I’m Still Standing by Elton John. Remember, we post on the last Monday of the month!

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Humankind Lyrics

Today I heard the strangest
I heard the strangest song
A DJ a star away is
Playing it to turn us on
My heart started glowing
I feel it inside, it’s flowing
I say I know, I know, I know
We’re only human
I know, I know, I know
How we’re designed, yeah
Oh I know, I know, I know
We’re only human
But from another planet
Still they call us humankind
Today I had the strangest
Feeling that I belong (belong)
Before, I was dying
I feel it inside, now I’m flying
I say I know, I know, I know
We’re only human
I know, I know, I know
How we’re designed, yeah
Oh I know, I know, I know
We’re only human
But from another planet
Still they call us humankind
Before, I was dying
I feel it inside, now I’m flying
I know, I know, I know
We’re only human
I know, I know, I know
How we’re designed
Oh I know, I know, I know
We’re only human
But we’re capable of kindness
So they call us humankind

10 comments so far.

10 responses to “Songful Style: Humankind by Coldplay | Link-Up”

  1. marsha57 says:

    Suzy, Suzy, Suzy!!! You are the most glamorous alien ever! Seriously, those boots…chef’s kiss! And, your silver bomber is fabulous! I love the story behind your love for Coldplay! I know you loved that concert, but I didn’t know why. Thanks for sharing that. The first time I saw Paul McCartney, I cried, too. There’s something about music that does that for me. I thought this was a tough song to style, but I loved it! I really loved finding out more about the band, too. I was so touched by the fact they donate so much to charities. They sound like just plain good human beings. I loved the last lines of the song, too.

  2. Anna says:

    Suzi, your outfit is absolutely fabulous. I love all the spark that you can get. The boots, the jacket, the bag – love them all. 🙂 Anna

  3. mireille says:

    I love how the location of your pics enhance the outfit! That is one fun bomber!

  4. I love the silver in this outfit! It definitely gives futuristic space vibes to your rock and roll look.

  5. Annemarie says:

    I adore both Coldplay and your outfit. Ive joined your link up this week. Thank you.

  6. csuhpat1 says:

    Looking like a true rocker. Very nice.

  7. thestylesplash says:

    What a fabulous outfit! I love the silver boots and jacket! Coldplay are not really my bag but I’ve seen clips of their concerts (my niece went to see them) and it looks like an amazing show. Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

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