Style Imitating Art: Woman with a Coffee Pot by Paul Cezanne

I haven’t taken part in the Style Imitating Art challenge before but when I spotted Daenel’s post about this month’s inspiration piece, I thought I would join in the fun. The inspiration is Woman with a Coffee Pot by Paul Cezanne. Style Imitating Art is hosted by Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks, Salazar of 14 Shades of Grey, and Terri of Meadow Tree Style.

I immediately knew I would take the easy route (!) and wear blue. I had intended to wear a navy cardigan with my flared jeans but then while I was staring at the artwork, it suddenly screamed at me: denim on denim! Do you see where I’m coming from? After I made that decision, the rest was easy. Not that it’s a complicated outfit lol. It couldn’t get any simpler, could it? Blue flared jeans, blue denim shirt, cream trainers, blue scarf, orange earrings and orange ring. It was the coffee pot, cup and spoon, and the flowers in the background that finished it off though.

If you really look at Woman with a Coffee Pot you can see the colours I’ve chosen. The woman is wearing all blue, and it’s the kind of blue that suggests denim (to me, anyway); there are orange tones in the tablecloth; and cream on the wall, and flowers. She’s wearing a belt that ties at the front which is why I added a little blue scarf that I tied at the neck. And my choice of coffee pot, cup and spoon are obvious! Not to mention the beautiful jasmine flowers behind me. The fragrance is divine! And it was such a lovely day when I took these photos. The sun was gloriously warm. Can you tell lol?

I had so much fun with this Style Imitating Art challenge, that I will certainly do it again. I’m quite excited to see what the next art inspiration will be. In fact, I don’t think I will ever look at a piece of artwork the same again. I have a feeling that I will be looking how it can inspire my next outfit lol!

See where I link up on the list to the right

14 comments so far.

14 responses to “Style Imitating Art: Woman with a Coffee Pot by Paul Cezanne”

  1. Hello, it’s so wonderful to see someone new having fun with the challenge. Denim on denim is a perfect choice and the fact that you can have live Jasmin outside, oh my! Hope to see you again. Take care, Terri

    • Suzy says:

      Thank you so much, Terri. It’s so lovely to get such a warm welcome! And the challenge is so much fun, I’m excited to see what the next one will be!
      Thanks again.
      Suzy x

  2. Gail says:

    It’s a fun challenge- I did it a few times and always want to join in but time is against me. Love your interpretation. Yes I can see why denim came to mind! Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday xx

    • Suzy says:

      It’s a shame you never have enough time to do the challenge, Gail. I’d love to see your interpretations too!
      Suzy x

  3. Nancy says:

    What a lovely interpretation. I like denim on denim. This is always such fun, but I forget to join!

    • Suzy says:

      Thanks Nancy! I hope you’ll remember the next time. It would be fun to see your interpretation.
      Suzy x

  4. Suzy, I am so glad that you joined this time! You did an amazing interpretation of the artwork, too. I love this denim on denim look with that fun polka dot scarf. And your props and background are so perfect! I do wish I had remembered my coffee cup! I really do not look at artwork the same anymore after participating with these challenges for a few months. It is so fun, isn’t it?!


    • Suzy says:

      YES it certainly is fun, Shelbee! I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did, to be honest. I can’t wait for the next one!
      Suzy xx

  5. mireille says:

    I love how you recreating the painting! These are so much fun! I really need to try to take the time and participate in them too!

    • Suzy says:

      Thanks Mireille! Yes, you really should because it’s a lot of fun! And it makes you look at art differently too!
      Suzy xx

  6. Thank you for joining in. I love that you re-created the scene AND made a video. The denim on denim is perfect and with the trainers, all the yeses.

    • Suzy says:

      I absolutely loved it, Daenel! It’s making me look at art in a different way now too. Thank you for being so welcoming.
      Huge hugs
      Suzy xx

  7. Mica says:

    Such a great double denim look and the scarf is a nice touch too! you did a wonderful job of being inspired by this artwork in your outfit 🙂

    Hope you are having a good week 🙂

    • Suzy says:

      You are too kind, Mica! Thank you so much. It’s certainly a lot of fun, using art as outfit inspiration.
      Suzy xx

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