My new oversized cozy knit & Neverending Style link-up

Sorry I’m a bit late with the link-up this week. We were away in Lisbon again and I’ve been busy catching up with, well, just about everything lol! But I’ve managed to take a few shots of my latest purchase—an oversized cozy knit cardigan which I absolutely adore!

I’ve been looking for a thick knitted cardigan in a dark colour for ages and finally found one on the Zara website. I didn’t buy it online, I waited to try it on first. So, when we were in Lisbon for my birthday, we popped into a Zara shop on the ‘high street’ and I found it, tried it on, and fell in love with it! In fact, I wore it straight from the shop for the rest of the day.

The main reason I wanted an oversized cozy knit cardigan was to wear with some of my more summery dresses in the winter. And I think this one will be perfect for that, especially the Zara dress I bought a few months ago. When we went back to Lisbon earlier this week, I made a beeline for Zara and bought the same cardigan in light grey AND it was in the sale YAY! The original price was 39 euros and it’s currently on offer at 25.99. Can you tell I love it lol?

The other thing we bought in Lisbon is actually another reason for my late post—an Ipad Pro! I’ve been wanting one for a while now and Michael promised me one for my birthday. I’ve already bought a couple of online illustration courses and started one of them on Thursday. If you’re curious about my design work, you can check it out over on my Suzy Turner blog, which I’ll be updating soon.

So, let’s get on with the link-up! As I haven’t been posting much lately, all I have to share is this oversized cozy knit post, but I’m excited to find out what you’ve been up to lately? So please share your posts with us.

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23 comments so far.

23 responses to “My new oversized cozy knit & Neverending Style link-up”

  1. Amy Johnson says:

    I absolutely love it! It looks so cozy and warm.

  2. Laurie says:

    Two great birthday buys. I hope you had a lovely time Suzy. I would have worn that cosy knit out of the shop too! xx

    • Suzy says:

      I had a wonderful time, thanks Laurie! I might wear the cozy knit again tonight over a dress to a friend’s house for dinner!
      Suzy xx

  3. Gail says:

    A cosy knit in winter is such a comforting thing isn’t it? Congrats on the new ipad.

  4. Alexandra says:

    It certainly does look oh so cozy!

  5. Michelle says:

    Your sweater looks delightfully warm! So glad you found what you were looking for. And Happy Belated Birthday!


  6. Daenel T. says:

    What a great cardigan! I love the idea of pairing it with a summer dress. I have a burnt orange one that I think may work in a similar way.

    • Suzy says:

      Thanks Daenel! I’ve been wearing both of them to death over the past couple of weeks! Your burnt orange one sounds perfect.
      Suzy xx

  7. Marsha Banks says:

    That cozy cardigan looks perfect! Have fun with your new iPad! Those courses sound like fun!

    Thanks for the linkup!

  8. Nancy says:

    I love cozy knit cardigans as I’m always cold! Great idea to wear it over your summer dresses, why only wear it one season right!

  9. Sinziana says:

    I love the knit Suzy! I would wear something like this all the time in the winter.

  10. mireille says:

    I love the all black look! The cardigan is so cozy: I was gifted a similar one a little longer at Chrismas in blush and I really enjoy it.

  11. Jacqui Berry says:

    Love that cosy knit, what a super piece, definitely need it at this time of the year! Have a fun week. x Jacqui x

  12. We had a crazy, tumultuous holiday season and I have been out of the loop. But I am back. I have tried a couple of times to follow your blog on Feedly but can’t seem to add it. Is it me or do you know if there is something about your blog address that doesn’t permit it to be added?

    This is a snuggly warm look. I like the addition of the scarf for a little color to your great otherwise monochromatic outfit. I really like scarves but am big chested and hesitate to wear them because they add bulk to an already bulky area!! Yours looks light and lovely.

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