Tina Turner’s death got to me | Link-up

Still from Mad Max: Thunderdome

I can’t believe it’s been a whole week since the last link-up. Where on earth does the time go? I swear it’s speeding up the older I get! Well, again I haven’t been the least bit inclined to get dressed up. I haven’t really been anywhere other than grocery shopping, and I’ve also been a bit under the weather. So, I’ve literally just been wearing jeans and a tee-shirt (and jumpers, we’ve had some surprisingly chilly days!) most days this week. With the exception of a couple of days when I had on sweatpants because I just couldn’t be bothered to get dressed at all!

So what to write about? Well…the first thing that affected me this week was the very sad news of Tina Turner’s death. In fact, I was really surprised how saddened I was. My heart crumpled when I read about it. I think because Tina Turner has been such a fixture in my life for well…my entire life. Her songs are among some of my absolute all time favourites. There’s just something about hearing the first few notes of What’s Love Got To Do With It, Simply The Best or Private Dancer, for example, isn’t there? I also think my hormones are making me even more emotional than usual. But, you know all about that, right?

Photo: Jay Bernstein Public Relations, Los Angeles., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

I also think because I’m so engrossed in female empowerment these days (because of my YouTube channel), I find myself more in tune to what’s going on with certain women…especially those that have had such a big impact of other women’s lives. I won’t go into detail because I just did that with a video I made about Tina Turner’s death on my Think Like Queenie channel. If you’d like to check it out, I’ll paste it below the link-up, if you’re interested.

I’ve also made a few more meditation videos this week too, which seem to be going well. Generally, people seem to like those so I will continue to make more. I love doing them. When I first qualified as a yoga teacher, one of my favourite things to do were the guided meditations during savasana (the ‘corpse’ pose at the end of class), so perhaps I’m a natural?!

For some reason, I was in a ‘quirky’ mood earlier this week so I produced a few videos about the power of incorporating quirkiness into your life which was fun! I particularly enjoyed making the one about fashion… even though I was doing it in my sweatpants lol. It’s only had about six views though, so perhaps that’s not the route I should be going down. But I guess I won’t know these things unless I give them a try!

Speaking of fashion, I finally found a denim dress that fits well (see below). I spotted it in Stradivarius a few weeks ago but they only had it in small, so I went online and ordered a medium. It fits perfectly (I’m a size UK 10-12) so I’m looking forward to wearing it when I’m more inclined to get dressed lol. Perhaps I’ll wear it this weekend and try and go somewhere pretty to take photos. It all depends on the weather, because we had some major storms earlier this week (YAY….they were fab).

I haven’t bought much in the way of clothes, lately, just this dress and a few t-shirts from Primark. Oh and a denim jumpsuit in the sale at Tiffosi but I’ll probably end up wearing that around the house… but we’ll see. I’ll wear it and take some photos in the next few weeks to get your opinion.

And, well, I guess that’s about it for this week. I’m sorry I’m rather boring at the moment…once the heat kicks in and warms up the house inside, I’ll probably be much more inclined to have some fun with fashion again! I can feel it stirring in my soul. And on that note, what have you been up to lately?

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11 comments so far.

11 responses to “Tina Turner’s death got to me | Link-up”

  1. Jackie C. says:

    I cried all day when I heard the news of Tina Turner’s death. Her life story and resultant music resonated with so many women (and men) because of the message of letting too many negative forces get in the way of our true selves. I’m so glad that she was able to find true love and home in the last part of her life. A light has been extinguished, but in the shadows it leaves behind are the times to draw on Tina’s strength and woman power. 💔🌹🙏🏼🌟

    • Suzy says:

      So beautifully said, Jackie.
      I cried too. I’m still getting so emotional just thinking that she’s not physically with us any more. But we are so fortunate that she left behind such a wonderful legacy with her music.
      Big hugs

  2. Michelle says:

    Tina’s passing is so sad. She has been such a fixture in our lives with an extraordinarily long and amazing career. And yes, what a representative for female empowerment! She may not have intended it when she was simply fighting for her life and then scratching back a career after splitting with Ike (what a bastard!) But those very acts engulf female empowerment. Wonderful post, Suzy. I hope you get to feeling better soon.


  3. I enjoyed your fashion video – I liked seeing sustainability brought into the conversation!

  4. marsha57 says:

    It is so sad to think of a world without Tina Turner in it, but we have her music. Thank goodness for videos, too, because we can watch her dance! And, that woman could dance! I think the biggest lesson is her courage when she left Ike and built a new life for herself. I loved her in Mad Max (though I no longer like Mel Gibson). Thanks for the Queenie videos and the link up!


    • Suzy says:

      Thanks so much Marsha! She was a true icon…and you’re right, boy could she dance! I wish I had even a smidgeon of her talent and energy and those legs…I would have loved those legs lol!
      Suzy xx

  5. csuhpat1 says:

    Tina was a true icon in my ways. She was a legend that spanned generations. Nice tribute to her.

  6. I wasn’t a huge Tina Turner music fan but applauded her for getting out of the abusive marriage to Ike she endured far too long. I know how hard that was to do. And I appreciate she was a strong woman. Thank you for remembering her on your YouTube channel and here.

    Gosh that denim dress is fabulous. Can’t wait to see it styled. Love the little shoes the model is wearing with it. Great find.

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