A girlie outfit for a change | Link-Up

a girlie outfit

We took these photos a few weeks ago when the weather was decidedly cooler…it was still hot mind you! Today, I’m almost melting URGH. Roll on September, is all I can say! Seriously, I live in the wrong country for someone who doesn’t like the heat lol. Anyway, we were headed over to our wonderful neighbours for a bite to eat and I wanted to wear my new M&S pink espadrilles (which, incidentally I wore earlier this week for my Songful Style post) so I opted for a girlie outfit—for a change!

pink espadrilles

I’ve noticed lately that in most of my photos, I look utterly miserable! I swear I don’t look like that most of the time. I am actually quite smiley when I want to be LOL! I really should make more of an effort to look happier in my pics!

girlie outfit

For this girlie outfit, I’m wearing an old white gypsy skirt (I think I bought it from Tezenis), a pink top from Zara and a cute glittery bag that Michael bought me for my birthday (I wore the bag to match my blue nails!). The pretty dangly earrings belonged to my late MIL, the Swarovski watch and the ring too. Sorry about the crappy photos…we were in a bit of a hurry to go next door so we just quickly took these. I’m so looking forward to having the new house for photography shoots! It’ll be so much easier and way prettier!

Anyway, let’s get on with the Neverending Style link-up! What have you been up to lately? I’m linking up the Tina Turner Songful Style post and my latest Think Like Queenie meditation which is perfect for this heat! If it’s hot where you are, I highly recommend it!

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13 comments so far.

13 responses to “A girlie outfit for a change | Link-Up”

  1. Nancy says:

    I don’t have a smiling face either. Gerben always has to remind me that I need to smile for the photos. I always tell him to tell a joke then and he does, lol. Love the hole look especially the skirt!

    • Suzy says:

      LOL Nancy, if I remember, I’ll get Michael to try and make me laugh too otherwise I just look like a moody cow all the time LOL! I honestly think I have RBF (Resting Bitch Face!!)
      Suzy xx

  2. Suzy, I love the pink and white pairing for a feminine summer outfit. Your white sheer skirt is super flirty and fun and those pink shoes are such a great addition to your summer wardrobe! I hope it cools down for you soon. We have been having a much hotter and more humid summer than usual as well. And I don’t like that melty feeling at all! Stay cool, my friend!


    • Suzy says:

      Thanks Shelbee! It has been super hot but this morning it was gorgeous and cool! Fingers crossed we might get a few more mornings like this before it gets hot again!
      Suzy xx

  3. Gail Is This Mutton says:

    Not miserable Suzy….Enigmatic. Loving the pink espadrilles and earrings. Have a great weekend xx

  4. Michelle says:

    I love this outfit! Shocking pink is a great color on you. You do girlie well.


  5. csuhpat1 says:

    Looking very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  6. mireille says:

    I agree with you! Bring on September! Even here in Georgia it is hazy (can it really be from the fires in Canada?) and air quality isn’t great and it has turned hot and humid. I am wearing lots of skirts and dresses lately because they feel cooler. Love this bright pink.

  7. marsha57 says:

    I love seeing the girly side of you, Suzy! You look gorgeous in pink! And, I really love how your accessories always have such meaning for you. Those pink espadrilles are pretty freaking fabulous! Thanks for the link up!


    • Suzy says:

      Thanks Marsha! Pink was always my favourite colour when I was younger ut I tend not to worry quite so much these days. But the brighter, the better for me!
      I hope you’re doing ok. Sending especially big hugs to you <3
      Suzy xx

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