Growing long hair at 47 | Why I’m going back to my roots | link up

Hey there, lovely readers! Today, I’m diving into a personal journey that I’m sure many of you can relate toโ€“the endless cycle of short and long hair, and growing long hair at 47.

If you’ve followed my style over the years, you’ll know that I’ve switched from short to long and back again numerous times. But now, at the fabulous age of almost 48 (!), I’m all set to grow my hair long (again!). So why the change? Well, let’s explore the reasons behind this decision.

1. Embracing Change: Life is full of transformations, and our hair is one of the easiest ways to express our evolving selves. Going back to long hair represents a new chapter in my life, and it feels invigorating to embrace this change with open arms.

2. Versatility: Long hair offers incredible versatility when it comes to styling. From elegant updos to cascading waves, the possibilities are endless. It’s like having a new accessory that can transform your look every day. And I finally feel ready to learn how to style long hair properly lol!

3. Confidence Booster: There’s something undeniably empowering about having long, flowing locks. It’s a boost to my self-confidence, and I’m excited to share this journey with all the fabulous ladies who follow The Grey Brunette.

4. Age Is Just a Number: Who said long hair is only for the young? At 47, I’m living proof that you can rock long hair at any age (and there are so many truly beautiful women out there who are older than me with gorgeous luscious long hair). It’s all about feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin, and I’m here to encourage you to do the same.

5. Hair Health: Let’s not forget the health aspect. Short hair can be lower maintenance, but long hair can be a sign of good hair health. I’m investing in nourishing my hair and enjoying the benefits of long, luscious tresses. And, to be honest, it’s when my hair is short that I need to use more products and gadgets which doesn’t do it much good. One thing I love about long hair is the ability to let it dry naturally, which I can’t do with short hair because it just ends up a total mess!

6. Time for a Change: After going back and forth with different styles, it’s high time I revisit long hair. Sometimes, it’s the journey itself that makes us appreciate what we had all along.

What’s more, I still love my natural hair colour, a rich dark brunette with loads of sprinkles of grey. It’s been about 13 years since I stopped dyeing it. Embracing my natural colour is a celebration of authenticity and self-acceptance.

Growing long hair at 47

7. The Witchy Aesthetic: As many of you know, I have a deep love for all things ‘witchy.’ Long hair pairs wonderfully with this enchanting aesthetic, allowing me to embrace the ethereal, magical vibes that I adore. With the re-launch of my Suzy Turner YouTube channel, where I’m focusing on creativity and all things witchy, long hair is a must in my book. It adds a touch of mystique and complements the enchanting atmosphere I aim to create. Find out more in this video:

So, there you have it! The reasons why I’m growing my hair long again at 47, embracing my natural colour, and celebrating the ‘witchy’ aesthetic that’s close to my heart. And, of course, enjoying the versatility and beauty of long hair. Currently, I’m in the dreaded horrible phase where it’s difficult to do anything with. But I shall persevere!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you ever gone back to long hair or made a significant hair change in your life? Share your experiences in the comments below, and let’s continue this fantastic journey together. Thanks for reading, and stay fabulous, my friends!

Remember, your hair journey is a personal expression of yourself, and there’s no right or wrong. Whether you’re going short, long, or somewhere in between, what matters most is feeling good in your own skin. Embrace your uniqueness, and keep rocking your style!

Now let’s get on with the link-up!

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8 comments so far.

8 responses to “Growing long hair at 47 | Why I’m going back to my roots | link up”

  1. Women are entitled to be fickle! I never had long hair as a child and my friend with long hair always got the ‘pretty’ roles when we played dress up so I suppose I was always slightly envious! My fine and flyaway short or bobbed hair never held a style or a decent cut without rollers, hot brushes and needing far too much attention. At 52, newly divorced a change was in order and I grew it to shoulder length – I felt more feminine, had renewed confidence and a choice of styles. Nowadays I invariably wear it up, it’s easy to look well groomed, I get hot around my neck and holidays are a breeze with a scrunchie! Pros and cons – no contest!

    • Suzy says:

      Gosh yes I know all about getting hot around the neck, but putting the hair puts paid to that, doesn’t it? I can’t until until it’s long enough to do that…but I’ll be waiting quite a few months until then lol!
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. shelbeeontheedge1 says:

    Suzy, I love this post so much! Yes, I can totally relate to the hair fickleness! I have had a love/hate relationship with my hair since the beginning of my life, I think. Haha. I absolutely cannot tolerate the feeling of wet hair against my skin so as soon as my hair would get long enough to brush against my shoulders when wet, I would immediately chop it off. As you know, when I started my blog in 2015 at the age of 41 I had a short, dyed pixie cut. It was right around that time I finally committed to growing long hair. I always wanted super long hair for all the reasons you have stated and it took me until my 40s to get it there! Like you, I use much less products, usually none at all, when my hair is longer. And now at 49 years old, for the first time in my life, I actually do love my hair…all long and unruly and undyed, sprinkled with gray and white all throughout! You are so beautiful, my friend! I look forward to seeing your hair long again. Although I do really like you in a pixie cut, too!


  3. Gail Is This Mutton says:

    You suit both long and short hair. I’d love to have long hair but mine never grows beyond the shoulders. I tried hair extensions once! Have a good weekend xx

  4. Nancy says:

    Good of you! I think longer hair looks prettier on you! Thanks for hosting and enjoy your weekend.

  5. mireille says:

    You really rock any hairstyle but I do love your long hair: here’s to perseverance!

  6. Tanu Oberoi says:

    Hey there! ๐ŸŒธ Totally vibing with your journey to embrace long hair at 47. I’ve been there with the hair debates and the grow-out phase can be such a challenge! ๐Ÿ˜… Loving the confidence and that witchy aesthetic you’re bringing, especially the natural brunette with those gorgeous grey streaks. ๐ŸŒฟโœจ Rock it and keep inspiring us all! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿฆณ๐ŸŒŸ

  7. Suzy I was fascinated to read this as I’ve just lopped all of mine off – and that’s after vowing to grow it long-long and never cut it short again!! I wanted it long for so many similar reasons as yours, but as mine has been lightened so much the ends were just in horrible condition. Yours is totally fabulous, and maybe one day I’ll have it long when I’ve grown out the colour, though I did say I would NEVER have long hair again, LOL. Loved this post! C x

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