How to style a pleated skirt | Link-up

Styling a pleated skirt was something that never came easy to me. Until my style guru friend, Laurie (of Vanity and Me), recommended sizing up. It was such a brilliant piece of advice and it became apparent she was spot on, when I bought this pleated skirt from Mango a few weeks ago.

how to style a pleated skirt
how to style a pleated skirt

I tried on the small size first, but it looked (and felt) so wrong, so I slipped on the medium and there was an immediate difference. It looked really good! The only thing that lets this particular skirt down is the waistband. Or, lack thereof, that is. If the waist is covered, it’s not an issue, but if you wanted to wear a crop top, for instance, or a slim fitted bodysuit, then it probably wouldn’t look right. I’m not really sure why they designed the skirt without one. But I liked the way the skirt sat on my hips, and the way it flowed so I bought it. I shall have to find an alternative pleated skirt for those other styles!

On this occasion, I decided to style it with a thick sweater, tucked into the skirt. Initially, I thought tucking it in might look a bit too bulky beneath the skirt, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it didn’t. If the sweater was longer, I would have just tucked in the front but I rather liked the way it looked all tucked in.

Alternative ways to style a pleated skirt would be to wear it with a tee and trainers (one of my all time favourite looks), which you can then wear with a blazer or a denim jacket for instance. I saw a woman wearing this exact same skirt recently and she wore high heels and a blouse with it, which looked very smart too. Ankle boots, knee high boots and booties all look great with this style of skirt too, so my advice would be to just experiment until you find what feels right to you. That’s how I dress—always. If something doesn’t feel right, even if it looks good, I won’t wear it. Because I’ll end up fidgeting all day and it’ll drive me nuts!

I decided to wear ankle boots that matched, colourwise, to my sweater. It’s something I tend to do quite a lot, and I’ve recently learned that it’s called Sandwich Dressing in style terms. Wearing the same colour on your feet as your top half, for instance. Or, it can also mean wearing a similar style on your feet as your top. Slim line boots and a slimline blouse, for example.

how to style a pleated skirt

This cute black bag, by the way, was a gift from my MIL a year ago. She was so thoughtful when she bought it because the brand, Bulaggi, is all about vegan leather. Cool, huh?

I’ve added a boat load of gold to this outfit…simply because I could lol. Since I inherited all this jewellery, I’ve been trying to wear it as much as possible. There are some pieces I didn’t think I would wear, and then I’ll get all dressed up and try it on and actually love it! That’s exactly what happened with this gold necklace. I didn’t think it was my cup of tea at all, but look at it. I think it looks fabulous! It’s making me look at all my jewellery and clothing in a different light, and I’m much more open to trying new things—which is very exciting! Watch this space 😉

For now though, shall we get on with the link-up? I’m excited to see what you’ve been up to lately, and what you’ve been wearing, so please add all your fabulous posts, below! Have a fabulous weekend!

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8 comments so far.

8 responses to “How to style a pleated skirt | Link-up”

  1. Doesn’t sizing up make such a difference? The way the skirt hangs is so much better. It looks really lovely on you Suzy. I like the bag too Your MIL has very good taste! xx

  2. You have styled this skirt beautifully, Suzy! I love these rich fall colors on you, too. I have a few pleated skirts that I always struggle to style. Maybe they will fit better now that I have lost some weight (like sizing up without buying anything new)! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!


  3. mireilleftm says:

    This look really turned out pretty! I have never like the pleated skirt look on me but that might just be the trick!

  4. Sizing up is a great tip…this skirt has a gorgeous flow at this size, and doesn’t look too big at all!

  5. thestylesplash says:

    I love this outfit! The skirt looks fab with the sweater, and the bag is gorgeous! It’s a good tip to size up with a pleated skirt because they can stick out on the tummy and hips and then they don’t hang right.

    Emma xxx

  6. Sizing up is a great idea! I often end up sizing up in skirts because of my body type. That skirt is gorgeous on you!

  7. Look at you, being all feminine and lady-like. Just teasing you. You look very good in this outfit. And pile on the gold dear. So far all items look terrific.
    As for the waistband… try and wear an obi-kind-of belt if you want to wear a fitted top with the gorgeous skirt.

  8. Lovely says:

    The skirt looks beautiful on you, and I love it styled with the sweater. Your accessories are spot on.

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