Fab40s: borrowed from the boys

borrowed from the boys

This month, the Fab40s are getting together to style the theme, borrowed from the boys (last month we styled an outfit channeling our childhood pop idols). It was Shelbee’s idea and I think it’s brilliant! Who’d have thought that I would love coming up with an outfit based on boy’s style?! As soon as I knew what the theme would be, I knew I had to borrow Michael’s braces and hat. I had considered wearing one of his shirts too, but after putting on my own red shirt, I knew this one was right.

My other idea was to wear skinny jeans but first, I decided to try these trousers and I just loved the way they looked with the red shirt and braces—not to mention the hat, of course! However, I reckon I’ll be testing out the braces again in a couple of weeks with the skinny jeans and Michael’s shirt lol. Stay tuned for that.

This outfit however, consists of trousers from Jigsaw (bought from John Lewis a few years ago) which are distinctly tighter than this time last year! My red shirt and Michael’s braces are from Massimo Dutti, and my fabulous new tan boots are from Timberland (aren’t they gorgeous?!). Michael bought the hat a few years ago from an amazing little hat shop in Charleston, South Carolina. I added a few little girlie details, like the pearl bracelet, some sparkly earrings and handbag. Oh, and I’m also wearing one of Michael’s watches. I think men’s watches love super cool on women.

Would you wear an outfit borrowed from the boys? Wanna see how the other Fab40s did it. Keep reading…

Ada (Elegance & Mommyhood)

Ada is back with us after enjoying some family time YAY, and here she is looking fresh and super relaxed and ready7 for Halloween! Good to have you back, Ada!

Daenel, Living Outside the Stacks

Daenel’s colourful outfit was inspired by a picture of a guy she spotted on Pinterest. Check out her post to find out more! I’m heading right on over because I’m dying to see it!

Shelbee, Shelbee on the Edge

Borrowed from the boys

Shelbee has styled a super quirky outfit that I ADORE! I mean…those velvet boots with that long jacket is gorgeous. And I love that we both decided to don hats. I thought about adding a tie or a dicky bow but decided against it, so I think it’s so cool that she wore a tie beneath her jacket.

Mireille, Chez Mireille

Mireille’s gone for a fabulous boyish western look and I presume the shirt belongs to her husband! Aren’t those tan cowboy boots fabulous?!

And me…

borrowed from the boys
20 comments so far.

20 responses to “Fab40s: borrowed from the boys”

  1. mireille says:

    Love the suspenders! This look came out so classy and fun and I am looking forward to seeing your other idea come to life too. These wide legged pants are perfect: the silhouette is very flattering. Well done!

  2. OMG, Suzy, I cannot love this any more! You look so adorable in this boyish style! What a fabulous idea to borrow your husband’s braces and hat. And you are right, the red shirt is absolutely the right one! I love how this theme resulted in very different interpretations that suit each one of our personalities perfectly! I love you ladies so much!


    • Suzy says:

      Thanks so much. Shelbee! Your theme was one of the best I’ve tried so far! I really loved the result, and you’re absolutely right about our different interpretations suiting our personalities. This was SO MUCH FUN!!
      Suzy xx

  3. Lovely says:

    What a fun theme! You’re totally slaying the menswear-inspired ensemble! Love everything about your look.

    • Suzy says:

      Thanks so much, Lovely! I really enjoyed this theme…in fact I reckon it was one of my favourites. Perhaps I need to raid my husband’s wardrobe a bit more often!
      Suzy xx

  4. The trousers really work for this theme and I love the red top and red bag together!


  5. Alexandra says:

    Man, this outfit is awesome! I love everything about it. I really enjoyed seeing the different 40’s styles from the hop all with a modern twist.

  6. All very good efforts but I like your outfit best. And not because I am biased.
    Only I still have problems with you posting so much. I always, always feel guilty when I see all those posts in my mail which I haven’t been able to read yet.

    • Suzy says:

      Thank you so much, Greetje! I have actually reduced my posts to twice a week, instead of three times. That was just too much to keep up! I really appreciate it when you pop over, but I really don’t expect you to come and read every time lol!! Thank you though.
      Suzy xx

  7. Emma Peach says:

    I love this outfit Suzy! The braces and the hat are fabulous accessories! Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

  8. Jacqui Berry says:

    Such a fun challenge Suzy, love this look and everyone looks wonderful. Jacqui x

  9. This outfit is so good on you! I think you need lots of red in your closet, it is a brilliant color on you! The hat and suspenders are perfect for this theme too!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

    • Suzy says:

      Thanks, Jess! I’ve always felt pretty in red so it’s funny that I don’t actually wear it that often! I guess I should add more to my wardrobe.
      Suzy xx

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