A classic winter look | Link-up

classic winter look

I’m still living it up in Switzerland as I write this, but I just happened to have a few pics of this recent classic winter look: wide-legged trousers with a polo neck and a cardigan for added warmth. I topped the look off with a statement necklace.

I’ve always loved the timelessness of this classic winter look, as it’s one of those outfits you can wear year by year without it necessarily looking dated. I’ve got several polo neck tops that I like to wear like this—navy blue, black, chocolate brown and black. I brought them all with me to Switzerland but, sadly, I haven’t really been able to wear them because of the damn hot flushes!! OMG they’re insane. I’ve had to wear t-shirts beneath my winter coat so I can slip it off and not overheat whenever we go indoors (shops, basically)!

classic winter look

The only new item that I’m wearing for this classic winter look is the grey cardigan I bought from H&M recently. I love it so much that I got it in beige/brown too! I just love it. The trousers were an absolute bargain from Zara last year, and I can’t even remember where the polo neck came from, but it’s just a cheap thing, possibly from Primark. I’m also wearing burgundy ankle boots that I bought from Secret Sales a few years ago.

As for this beautiful necklace, I inherited it this year. It’s so unusual. If you open it up, you’ll find a tiny watch inside! Cute, eh?!

Anyway, I’m running out of time tonight, so I’d better sign off and get on with this week’s Neverending Style link-up. Sorry this has been such a rushed post but we just got back from a day out around the city and it’s almost midnight and I suddenly realised I hadn’t done the post yet DOH!!! I promise I’ll tell you more about our wonderful Swiss holiday soon…

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5 comments so far.

5 responses to “A classic winter look | Link-up”

  1. A great winter look – love it with the wide leg trousers.

  2. Gail Is This Mutton says:

    A winning look Suzy and how cute is the watch inside a necklace? Have a great weekend x

  3. Michelle says:

    Elegant look! Ugh! I understand the hot flashes. Fortunately, they are not much of a problem any longer, but sheesh! So annoying.


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